Submit a new mp_lipid_acc job

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Job short description (visible in queue):

Download PDB from PDBTM database: proteins in PDBTM are already transformed into membrane coordinates and have corrected oligomeric state - recommended

Download PDBID from OPM database: proteins in OPM are already transformed into membrane coordinates and have corrected oligomeric state; be aware that OPM also contains peripheral membrane proteins that aren't handled by the method

Upload custom PDB file - not recommended - Requires structure to be (1) an integral membrane protein, (2) transformed into membrane coordinates (TMDET or PPM), and (3) with correct oligomeric state!!!



Input PDB model 

Specify slice_width value

Rosetta mp:lipid_acc:slice_width value:

Specify dist_cutoff value

Rosetta mp:lipid_acc:dist_cutoff value:

Specify shell_radius value

Rosetta mp:lipid_acc:shell_radius value:

Job Description (for your own records):